On Thursday, December 10, Willis Monroe successfully defended his dissertation and department members were very pleased to gather to congratulate him. Willis is one of the first Dean of Faculty Fellowship recipients and will teach a class in our department next semester. Congratulations on both achievements, Willis!
Ramadan Hussein, PhD '09, has been awarded a prestigious grant by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for the conservation, documentation and publication of the Saite-Persian tombs in Saqqara. The grant (a total of 412.000 €) is for three years and comes with a three year Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter [Research Associate] position at the Universität Tübingen, effective April, 2016. We in the Egyptology and Assyriology Department at Brown share in the pleasure and pride of this achievement and look forward to continued news and successes. Congratulations, Ramadan, and best wishes to you and your family!
We are very pleased to add Amanda Davis to our proud list of PhD recipients. Amanda successfully defended her thesis, "Egyptian and Minoan Relations during the Eighteenth Dynasty/Late Bronze Age", on August 3. She recently took an intensive course in teaching English as a second language and really enjoyed the program, as a result of which she is planning to enter a one-year program at Lesley University in Boston to get a Massachusetts teaching license to teach elementary school English as a second language.
Congratulations, Amanda, we look forward to following your career and wish you continued success.
Andreas is now at the University of Oxford, Faculty of Oriental Scientists, as Departmental Lecturer in Egyptology and Coptic. Nice for him that he is closer to ‘home’ in Sweden, yet enjoying milder weather! We are pleased to share the news that TWO of his recent proposals have been granted.
The first, "Digital Archive of Coptic Ostraca in Sweden (DACOS)", was granted by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond - The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences. That was applied for together with Åke Engsheden, the PI, and is a three year project aiming at publishing roughly 300 Coptic ostraca.
The second, also a 3-year project, was with the Swedish Research Council. Andreas remarked he will return to Providence to prepare future proposals, as he wrote both those successful submissions while here at Brown.
Congratulations, Andreas, and you are welcome back anytime.
The Department of Egyptology and Assyriology is very pleased to congratulate our three newest colleagues on their successful completion to candidacy and defense of their dissertations:
Dr. Guan Yuzhen, "The Treatment of Eclipses in Early Chinese Astral Sciences"
Dr. Kathryn Howley, "The Royal Pyramid Tombs of Nuri: Cultural Interaction between Nubia and Egypt in the Middle Napatan Period"
Dr. Julia Troche, "Origins of Apotheosis in Ancient Egypt"
We give you our warm best wishes for your continued success.
March 23-24, 2015, University Paris Diderot, Paris
Building Condorcet, Room 646A Mondrian.
This international conference is co-organized by Christine Proust and John Steele and supported by the European project SAW (CNRS & University Paris Diderot) and the Department of Egyptology and Assyriology at Brown University.